Job Fair Success Strategies

Job fairs are a great opportunity to network and be proactive in the employment process. In order to make the most of these opportunities, set realistic expectations for what you hope to achieve. Prepare for the job fair like you would for an interview, have a plan...

Resumes: Still the best attention getter!

Your resume is your first impression with a potential employer. It is a short account (1–2 pages) of your experience, qualifications, and achievements. The goal of your resume is to capture the reader’s interest so that he/she wants to speak with you. Most resumes get...

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Workforce Innovation and Opporunities Act (WIOA) is a no-cost employment program designed to give job seekers the support and/or skills training they need to find a job. What kind of training is available? To ensure that individuals receiving training find jobs, WIOA...

Samantha Murff

Meet Samantha Murff. She is a Navy veteran who been fighting with the VA for service-connection injuries she sustained during her active duty. Coming to CampV she met up with our CampV advocates and sifted through all her service records and sufficient evidence to...

Veteran Caregivers

Camp V Partnership Raises Almost $100K in Annual Benefits in First Three Months Veteran Caregivers, Officing out of Camp V, helps War time Veterans and Spouses obtain the  Aid & Attendance Pension.  If you are 65 and older and in the need of assistance,...