About CampV

Our Mission

To integrate military and civilian resources through one central location providing efficient and effective support and fellowship for Veterans, active duty, reserves, guards and their families.

Our Vision

To offer a support and resource haven for ALL Veterans, well and in need.


We Are

Veterans, Active Duty, and Military Families love to live among the lakes and piney woods of East Texas. However, along with this serenity comes frustration when resources, information, and outlets for wellness are needed but cannot be found. Where do we go? Who has this service? Only to be told, “We don’t do that; you have to go someplace else.” Just connecting to other Military families challenges their time, patience, and pocketbooks. Many give up!
CampV (Community Assisting Military Personnel and Veterans) has answered the call!

Our unique 20-acre campus provides convenient access to local Veteran Service Providers at one location in Tyler, Tx. Veteran Volunteer Advocates meet personally with clients to assess needs and situations. Then working through a network of resources, Veteran families receive assistance to advance their current circumstances.

Capital “V” in CampV

The capital letter “V” in CampV stands for Veterans.  At CampV, we greatly respect all of our Service Men and Women and capitalizing Veteran is symbolic of our reverence for their service.

Our Service Area